Built for Reliable Performance
Speed Queen’s stack washer/dryer brings an innovative stacked concept that takes up half the floor space that a conventional washer and dryer does when situated side by side. The freestanding softmount design can be installed on all floor types or levels. Both washer and dryer have the same hookups and connections as a standard washer and dryer. No additional plumbing or electrical change is needed. Speed Queen’s stack washer/dryer combines heavy-duty construction with reliable operation proven to stand the
test of time. They’re designed with less moving parts for one reason: so you’ll face fewer maintenance problems and less wear and tear down the road. Front-load products have met every design standard to be 100% ADA compliant.
Speed Queen’s stack washer/dryers are designed to provide all of the power of Speed Queen
washers and dryers, while occupying only half of the floor space of a conventional washer and dryer setup.
Quantum® Gold Pro Control
The Quantum® Gold Pro control delivers a truly premium experience to residents. From intuitive soft-touch buttons that walk them through cycle options to multiple actuations (coin, card, mobile) for payment flexibility, this control gives residents the wash-and-dry options they want, and the revenue potential managers desire.
Quantum® Gold Pro
At its highest level, innovation simplifies, empowers, and brings a more premium experience.
That's exactly what Speed Queen has done with the Wi-Fi-enabled Quantum® Gold Pro control, built specifically for the multi-housing market.
Quantum Gold Pro simplifies operation for residents through an intuitive cycle structure that walks them up through cycle options, from left to right. This makes it easier to utilize tiered pricing and reap the revenue boost from it. An increased return on your investment is just the beginning, as this control delivers several benefits, including:
A Premium Experience
Capacitive, or soft-touch buttons, offer a high-quality experience that means less wear and tear on a key touchpoint of the machine. Every detail was considered in the development of this machine, even the white lights on the control, as consumer research has shown they equate the latter with higher quality.
Flexible and Powerful
With multiple actuations (coin, card, mobile) offered, Quantum Gold Pro gives laundry service providers unprecedented flexibility, while reducing add-on costs. Programming and audit capabilities are streamlined and made infinitely powerful utilizing Near Field Communication (NFC) with Android devices, opening access to advanced monitoring data when configured with Speed Queen Insights.
Factory-Installed Convenience
Quantum Gold Pro is a truly professional solution.
The days of lining up brand-new machines and drilling into them to attach a third-party system becomes a thing of the past. This plug-and-play solution is a gift of convenience.
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